Tuesday, November 5, 2013

So these past few days has been a wave of emotions. Yesterday… well lets see I was seriously thinking about transferring schools… I love Park Park and the people I have met here… But I hate the shitty service, how nothing works, people take your shit, and the city just isn't for me. I wasn't smart when picking my college. I applied to 6 colleges, I only visited 3… and 2 of them I knew I wasn't going to be going. People say you know it's your college when you go there and you love it. When I went to visit here I didn't love it… I thought it was like another college and it looked "ok" to me. I didn't realize that so many things here were wrong. The food sucks, the city is not for me, the wifi doesn't work, there is no way to get anywhere because buses don't work, the washers and dryers are always broken, and the elevators never work. I came here because it was far away from my home, I needed a change and also because I got 2 scholarships. I will be honest it wasn't my first choice, and I wish I would have looked at more colleges. If you are majoring in dance, acting, or musical theater this may just be the perfect school for you… but if you want to major in something like psychology this isn't the place. The amount of money you are paying to go here isn't worth the poor psychology program they have here. Save your time and money and find a place where you will fall in love with.

Aside from that aspect onto more positive/normal notes. I have decided to switch my major here and study criminal justice instead. I'm hoping I can still minor in psychology. I will loose one scholarship but I don't want to waste money on something I don't want to do or I hate. I have still been feeling shitty, I'm still constantly nauseous and I actually stayed home today because I felt so bad. I have fallen in love with the show "Pitt bulls and Parolees." I actually got some good news about somethings I have been worried about. I still don't know my feelings or what I want with anything… anything. But I feel like I can work through it and everything will be ok.

I'm worried for my best friend back home. I am worried about you and I hope everything works out. I wish I could be there for her. I am watching my show and I just saw one of the guys that is getting married. He met here in  high school, they dated, broke up and then met up again 20 years later, and are now getting married. This gives me so much hope, and I know that anything can happen, I just have to wait.

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