Thursday, October 17, 2013

Today: how do I begin to describe today. I was a blur between stressful, chaotic, and fun. English today was simply a nightmare. I got into a huge argument and almost bitched out a close friend. As well as ended up leaving class sobbing for some reason....  I then skipped Sociology to go to Planned Parenthood with one of my best friends. It took 2.5 hours where it was only suppose to take a hour... It was not as bad as a lot of things though.

Tonight I went out to Chinese food and a girls night in! It was actually one of the better nights I have had here. I am really finding my groups of friends. I now have a close 2 groups of friends. Both of which I intend to stay in a close relationship with. It's nice to have that variety of personalities as well.

Although the news I got last night was not that great and did break my heart a bit, I need to realize everything in life doesn't always work out as you want it to. I guess I need to accept that and move on. Everything I said earlier is true. I do still care about you and I want the best for you.. it's just hard to accept the fact that you have moved on so quickly and I am still stuck in the past. Hopefully tomorrow is another step towards a better future. In the meantime all I can do is think, and hope for the best.

Goodnight bloggers remember: "Sometimes the most painful memories are the ones that open your eyes to what really has to happen in your life to make you happy."

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